128: Obi-Wan Kenobi – Review

Edgar OtraVez and Cousin Primo review of the Disney Plus series, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Showrunner: Deborah Chow
Stars: Ewan McGregor, Moses Ingram, Vivien Lyra Blair

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Episode Transcript

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Edgar OtraVez 0:11
All right. Oh man, here we go. Welcome to another episode of the floral podcast. I am Edgar OtraVez. And today on the show I have my cousin, Cousin Primo and what’s up cousin?

Cousin Primo 0:30
What’s up brother wassup cousin… Primoooo!

Edgar OtraVez 0:35
same old, same old man, same old Jesus Christ. I am. I’m a mumble mouth right now. So, for today’s show, the subject of conversation is Obi Wan. The show on Disney plus, which is just kick ass dude so. Primo tell us what you think about Obi Wan.

Cousin Primo 1:02
Oh my god. I was like, * for each episode that come out. Every episode that came I could not wait. I could not wait. I was on pins and needles. I’m upset that it ended in six episodes. Yeah, I am pissed. But man, what a six episode.

Edgar OtraVez 1:30
Dude. Okay, so I love the two men. I think it was badass. There’s some there was so many badass pieces in this and are one of the things that caught my eye about the show. It was in the trailer. They hinted at and Obi Wan and Darth Vader showdown. And all I did was salivate, waiting for that moment to happen. And they gave us a quick little teaser. What was it like in the first or second? Like in the third or second episode?

Cousin Primo 2:03
Third episode third episode,

Edgar OtraVez 2:05
they they actually meet up and I was like, oh my god, it’s the third episode or whatever. And they’re gonna, like go at it. And it doesn’t really happen. And it’s just they did it. Well, man. They tease you a little bit and then right at the end, they gave it to you. And it was awesome.

Cousin Primo 2:20
One teaser, that one teaser man was just to show off. Yeah, to show you that. The dark was is just a savage. Doo, doo savage.

Edgar OtraVez 2:34
Okay, so why don’t I give a quick synopsis of the show in general, it’s not a very complicated show. It takes place after the first trilogy. And at this point, I’m sorry.

Cousin Primo 2:49
Go ahead. It takes place actually between solo and Rogue One. Oh, right. So a little bit because you have to give the kid a little a little time to grow. Yeah. So I’m sorry. I didn’t want to interrupt you.

Edgar OtraVez 3:04
No, no, thank you for giving me exactly the time because I get a little confused in terms of like the the timeline for these stories. Especially with with the Star Wars stuff because I don’t know it as well as I do the Marvel stuff. Right? And it really gets hairy because they jump all over the place.

Cousin Primo 3:24
I pulled up the list like movie, like, supposed to go. It’s like taking a risk. No. I don’t want to deal with it. Just just keep making movies. I’ll follow as I go.

Edgar OtraVez 3:42
Just tell me where it goes, man. I’ll be leave you I don’t care.

Cousin Primo 3:45
Okay, let me watch it. I don’t care what it happened. Just just play.

Edgar OtraVez 3:50
Oh, dude. So so like, it’s perfect because at this point, Obi Wan does not know that Darth Vader survived or that Hayden Christian. Anakin survived. So he’s unaware that he’s alive. Meanwhile, the Inquisitors which are like henchmen to Darth Vader, who are forced sensitive, are running around kidnapping kids killing people, you know, and just being all around assholes, right? But mostly like they’re collecting here and there when they see fit, you know, for sensitive people, and depending on what they feel like they need to do with them. They either get rid of them, or they absorb them into their little clique of assholes. And that’s kind of like what happened to Moses his character. The Inquisitor Riva third sister. So, yeah, so Reba are third sister which is kind of used as a way to insult her is a product of just that she was one of the many kids that that Oh, was good well, she almost got slaughtered with all the kids in the Jedi Temple when Anakin showed up and you know, started it started breaking bad. So then she was, you find out later on purpose left to live by Darth Vader or Anakin at the time. And she later decides she wants to get close to Darth Vader, so she can try to assassinate him. And therefore it takes a place in the Inquisitors and eventually becomes kind of the what did they call it? The the main Inquisitor

Cousin Primo 5:41
for Sister they actually changed her sister.

Edgar OtraVez 5:44
Well, she was Inquisitor. The know what was the name? Was it head Inquisitor, another Grand Inquisitor? Inquisitor? Yes, the Grand Inquisitor they actually promoted her to Grand Inquisitor at one point. And so meanwhile, all this is happening without Of course, Ewan McGregor really knowing that there’s the grand Inquisitors and you know, Darth Vader’s alive all that stuff. He is basically become a monk, right like, and has just gone away and made himself a hermit, but at the same time watching Luke, right, and just keeping an eye on make sure he’s safe. Meanwhile, les is being raised by you know, royalty on another planet. This is where it gets Awesome man because, you know, Leah is even as a little girl really kind of independent and strong and just loves to run around and do her own thing. And at one point she decides she wants to run out and just be you know, an explorer and that’s when the Inquisitors grab her and then they reach out. So, they find out the the parents reach out to to you and McGregor’s character Obi Wan and you know, Jimmy Smits actually plays the dad he’s Senator Bail Organa. And you know, I love Jimmy Smits, but anyway, like, so he reaches out to Obi Wan lets them know that hey, we need help. Leah got kidnapped. And they don’t know that Darth Vader’s in the picture. And they also don’t want anybody to know that that she is, you know, Anakin his daughter, right? So all this is in play, they reach out to, to Obi Wan, Obi Wan is the reluctant hero at this point, decides to jump in, eventually to try to go save her. And it quickly becomes taken in space. You know, saying like, it was crazy because right before we started watching this show. I got into this weird conversation with my daughter because she’s she’s like, she likes to be independent. And she likes to think that the world is nice and pretty and all that stuff. So we’ve been watching all these taken movies. Just so that she has a sense of like, you know, you just can’t go everywhere and just think that everybody’s nice. You know, there’s some assholes out there and you need to be careful, right? Because your papa is not you know, Secret Agent Judo chop expert, you know, I can do to chop a little bit but not like Neeson. Like I can’t I can’t hold a candle to me.

Cousin Primo 8:40
He’s just star and taken. Yes. Yeah. Any any also comes out of this in this series.

Edgar OtraVez 8:46
That’s right.

That’s a good point. That’s right. That’s right. The first two episodes plays like a mini taken movie.

Cousin Primo 8:56
Right? Oh, yeah. I love that. The first episode was a great freakin recap of everything. Yeah. I was like, wow, wow. I like that. That was that was very, very informative.

Edgar OtraVez 9:10
Well, yeah, they did. They didn’t do a big recap, right. And so the catchweight but like, you know, so then, you know, the kidnap, you know, layup and then Obi Wan has to go, you know, saver, and so he’s running around kicking ass and you know, and trying to get her back and eventually he gets her back. Like he saves her. But it’s a very, like, dude’s got ring rust, right? He’s got a little he’s a little rusty. He’s not as quick and he’s not as good as it used to be. Not everything is flowing like it needs to be. Plus, he kind of doesn’t want to be doing this. Right. So there’s that part of him that he he’s dealing with. So he’s fighting people, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to be there. He’s He’s afraid he’s reluctant. There’s all this stuff going on in his head. And so he He’s making a mess of it. And so you know, layup event, eventually they escaped to a planet with layup where they have a bunch of refugees that are trying to leave, they can get caught up in the middle of all this between, you know, Obi Wan and Darth Vader, but of course, at one point, you know, Darth Vader and Obi Wan meet up for the first time since episode three. And it is fucking nuts. Darth Vader is so fucking creepy dude. So fucking creepy. And so then, you know, they they go at it, but, you know, again, there’s some rust on Obi Wan he gets his ass handed to him by Darth Vader. They escape, you know, eventually, Leia gets kidnapped anyway by the by the Inquisitors and is held hostage someplace. Obi Wan breaks into that spaceship saves her gets her out of there. And at one point he gets back to the planet where the all the refugees are at right. And the bad guys Inquisitors and a bunch of other troopers you know, show up to try to take not only the refugees but Obi Wan and Leia. Right. Riva? Is there now Grand Inquisitor Riva? You know, they have like a standoff. There’s, you know, shooting and all that stuff. But eventually, Riva and Obi Wan have a conversation, and she lays out all her backstory, she was one of the kids in the Jedi Temple. You know, Darth Vader, almost stabbed her and killed her. But instead, she survived. And then she manages to grow up and become an Inquisitor, just so that she can get close to Darth Vader and try to kill him. Right? And so then Obi Wan, and she hates Obi Wan. She considers him, you know, like almost a traitor for leaving her behind. Like he waiting to save us. He’s like, I was trying to save everybody. I couldn’t save everybody, you know, like, what the hell. And so she hates him. But she’s willing to work with him so she can get Darth Vader. And then, you know, so then he says to her, don’t worry, he’s coming here to get me he’s going to be looking at me. He’s not gonna be watching you. And in that point, that’s when you get him. So then he creates the distraction that she’s that he was talking about, you know, makes it like one ship is going to lift off and take off, Darth Vader starts ripping that ship apart with the force. You know, and then as that ship comes back down, all torn up, the other ship takes off. And that’s where all the people are in, and they make it out. Right. So then that’s when Riva shows up, and has a fucking awesome battle with Darth Vader. Which leads us to finally the last episode, in which, you know, Darth Vader finally has the showdown with Obi Wan.

Cousin Primo 13:12
And that was worth the whole series. Dude, that was worth it.

Edgar OtraVez 13:16
That was so crazy. And they finally have that battle. And one of the things that couldn’t believe that Obi Wan took advantage of is the fact that he’s wearing the suit. He’s wearing the respirator. And he rips the respirator apart with the force and beats him up and then and says, you know, that’s it, I’m leaving. And they kind of left it in the perfect confession of or like he’s still the student. Nobody wants to steal the master. So that conversation about when the last we met, I was the student and you’re the master now and the master blah, blah, blah, all that nonsense. So it’s still kind of technically canon. Right? Right. And now he is back on tattooing. He’s gonna live his days on tattooing, watching over Loke eventually, he’s gonna grow old and be the old crazy wizard. Uncle Uncle Ben. Yeah, he’s been crazy, Ben. And that was that’s the short synopsis. Now we can go ahead and fill in the details. But there’s a couple of things I want to really get to because there’s some things that I just loved about the series. But go ahead man. Why don’t Why don’t you chime in and tell us what you think is what some of your favorite pieces in the movie in the show? I shot that movie.

Cousin Primo 14:31
Well, I found I want a this guy very fine. I think him posing as a Jedi. Kamal. He paid homage

Edgar OtraVez 14:44
hija Oh, yes. How’s that? Yeah, yes.

Cousin Primo 14:47
Okay, I started like his little banter store where he actually plays a Jedi.

Edgar OtraVez 14:54
Yeah, Komodo, not John the Johnny. He is one of the He superheroes in that. What’s the name of the show? The eternals? Yes. Yes. So he’s doing a lot of work with Disney.

Cousin Primo 15:09
Yeah, he does. I sort of like his little spin. Like he’s Oh, my Jedi and he’s like it’s done with magnets.

Edgar OtraVez 15:19
That was great, because Go ahead. I’m sorry. Yeah, no, no, that’s great because he he shows up like, Obi Wan shows up on the planet, initially, like in the first episode or second episode looking for a layup. And as he’s doing that, he runs into this fake Jedi, who is like pulling money out of people and telling them he’s gonna get them safe to wherever they need to go. Because, you know, they’re he’s like, helping people who are for sensitive leave certain planets, so that the Inquisitors don’t get them. Right. So he, but he’s doing it for money. He is helping people technically.

Yes. But

he’s gonna He’s a little bit of a con artist, right? Because he’s using like, magnets and all that shit. And then

Cousin Primo 16:05
he just spent he’s a space Coyote.

Edgar OtraVez 16:09
Yes, that’s right. He’s out there. That’s right. That’s right. Yeah, exactly. What is

Cousin Primo 16:17
Jesus Christ? We can’t have nothing.

Edgar OtraVez 16:22
You know, it’s uh, it’s funny. This movie has everything or the show has everything.

Yeah, illegals you got

crossing borders doing all kinds of

Cousin Primo 16:36
oh man, but I just can’t get over how they brought some of those Inquisitors from from the series into this live action series. The inquisitors were first introduced in Star Wars Rebels. Yeah. Okay. And I sort of love that they gave this this one Inquisitor like they gave him like, Oh, that was the thing. Shang Kang was Cheung Kong he played Fifth Brother. Yeah, that character was in Rebels. And that was an animated series. And I just love the fact that Disney just went all out and bought these characters into the series. I love it. I love it, man.

Edgar OtraVez 17:20
Yeah, they look. They look spot on to man. They look good.

Cousin Primo 17:24
But on. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I was like, Wow, this the Disney went on this series. Now my thing I’m question. Okay, now that the series is over, is that it?

Edgar OtraVez 17:37
There’s no, the first of all, it’s not going to be it. I mean, there’s too much interest in this in the show now. I think I think it would be they would be remiss if they were to let this go. Also Hayden Christus christison. And, you know, you and McGregor have both expressed interest at least from what I’m seeing on the social webs of doing a season two. So I highly doubt that this would not go into a season two. This has to go into a season two.

Cousin Primo 18:09
It would have to.

Edgar OtraVez 18:11
But um, but yeah, dude. So like, one of my favorite scenes in there’s a there’s a few but obviously, the the first meet up with Darth Vader, and Obi Wan was a letdown on purpose. Right? And it was amazing. The watch because then you get the sense of Oh, shit. Obi Wan hasn’t been a Jedi for a while. Well, yeah, you know, he he’s kind of he’s a little rusty man. This guy has not been practicing. You know? And and the and he’s, and he has he’s conflicted within himself. Right. And so I’m sure that has something to do against. I’m sure that that’s not helping him with the use of the Force. Right? If he’s conflicted with himself, his ability to use the force is not going to be there as it should be.

Cousin Primo 19:07
Also, there’s doubt due to the fact that he did not know the Anakin was alive. Yeah, that could have very had thrown out anybody. Yeah, who he was.

Edgar OtraVez 19:19
He was absolutely thrown off by it. He saw ghosts, he saw ghosts. And it freaked them out and imagine seeing, you know, knowing that the person you thought was dead, is not only alive, but basically a cyborg. It’s kind of scary man. A monster. He’s a monster.

Cousin Primo 19:39
He’s a monster. And he was I don’t know, mercy. He he did the same thing. Like to what he thought Obi Wan did to him. He did to him as well. Yeah, he threw his eyes on fire and dragged him in the fire. Yeah, like with no mercy. Yes. That was savage dude. That was savage. That was savage dude. I couldn’t believe I was like damn, but did he give it to Disney? And they did not. They did not fuck around with this episode with that series man they did not. Now I love it. I just couldn’t get over it.

Edgar OtraVez 20:18
Yeah, I was really impressed by it to man. I was really surprised by how how dark they went with. With Vader, you know?

Cousin Primo 20:31
I’m grateful that they brought James Earl Jones back as voice.

Edgar OtraVez 20:36
Oh, you can’t do you can’t do that afraid or without voicemail

Cousin Primo 20:39
but there but there are other guys that could play his voice. Yeah. But when they said, James, he was gonna play the voice. I was like,

Edgar OtraVez 20:46
no, yeah. Well, I mean, he’s in the credits.

Cousin Primo 20:49
All he sees actually in the credits. Yes, actually, if they’ve talked to him, and he said, Yeah, I loved I loved it. I always loved Star Wars. And for me to hear that from him. I was like, Jesus,

Edgar OtraVez 21:02
check this out, dude. So like, another favorite scene of mine was when Riva went up against Darth Vader. It was just one of those things where Darth Vader got to show how further up he is. On the skill level. Oh, yeah. Then she Is he is he is way up here. And she is way the fuck down here.

Cousin Primo 21:27
He toyed with her.

Edgar OtraVez 21:29
He toyed with it exactly. He’s like, he’s like, he’s like a black belt. And she’s like a white belt. Or a blue belt. You know?

Cousin Primo 21:38
Like, my mind is white.

Edgar OtraVez 21:41
She’s got skill.

She says skill.

She knows how to do stuff. But dude is way above Clover is so well. He’s so mastered. There is nothing there is nothing she can’t hold a candle to dude. And so like. So he takes the swords, right? He takes the sabers, the lightsabers he breaks it apart. Tosses at her like, Here you go. Let’s see what you got. No, likely. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like, I know you ain’t got shit. But let’s, let’s see what you got entertainment. Here. Yeah, let’s see what you got. It’s, you know, like, I know, you’re foolish. Like, he’s like sitting there. Just like, Okay, let’s do this. I know you want to do this? Alright, let’s see what you got. Right? And then he just just handles her right? He just like, whatever, you know, plop plop, and then eventually, he’s fine with her. Just using the Force dude. And she she comes out. I mean, he goes, Wow, you know, and pushes her back. You know, she goes flying back. She comes at him again. He goes, why? And then she goes flying again. And he does all this crazy stuff. And I’m like, What the fuck is going on here? I’m like, fucking Vader’s doing kung fu This is Darth Vader kung fu man.

Cousin Primo 23:02
directs all same moves in fucking Kung Fu Panda dude, man,

Edgar OtraVez 23:10
I was just like, holy shit. This is a fucking confusing right here man is martial arts choreography. Choreography at his best it was. It was like staring straight at Hong Kong cinema dude was so cool. I was like, This is so fucking badass.

Cousin Primo 23:27
What I could not understand what I could look at, first of all, bringing this up the show of force, Darth Vader has of using the Force, first of all holding the ship and bring it down. Right. And then she had no have you noticed that all the Inquisitors have the same type of weapon? It’s a double bladed sitting thing Whatever it looks like. field or something? Yeah, just which is something they took from General Grievous. They took that idea and turn it into a weapon single word single hand weapon. Right. And then she explained late and he’s just put his hands up. He’s stopping the blades. Yeah, you know, though, like Wow, do Yeah, at that point. I just dropped the sword and run that keep it I’m gonna do it for us. I don’t like it dudes.

Edgar OtraVez 24:32
If dude is hitting you with an invisible fucking psychic punch. I’m like, Okay. This is creepy. You when I’m going Thank you. I’m not finding something with powers. Yeah, yeah, this is not unless I have to but I guess she has to write. But that’s point Yeah, yeah. But like he and then he stabs her just cold blooded stabs her in the in the gut. And all I could think about is like, is she gonna fucking make it? You know

Cousin Primo 25:09
it’s crazy. And she killer, like killer with a saber. He just hit the like, stabbed or said, Okay, you’re not worth killing and walked away.

Edgar OtraVez 25:26
I don’t think he was there. She was not worth killing. I think he he’s, I think he’s thinking he can still use her. He thinks I think he thinks that that rage that’s in her hands is just gonna make her more useful tool. You know, he’s manipulated her thus far. You know he’s manipulated or this far. He can continue to do so. If he’s, you know if she’s just continues to be angry. Right. So I think that’s what his motivation is, but I really don’t know what he’s thinking maybe. Maybe, maybe he gets some kind of pleasure out of making her suffer, you know? But, man, dude, it’s just that scene was dead scene was just fucking awesome. Like, everything was great. Don’t get me wrong, everything has been great, but, you know, up until that point. I haven’t really seen Vader actually try to fight someone. He tried to fight Obi Wan. Right. But Obi Wan wasn’t really engaging. You know, Riva was trying to fight him. And he was just mopping the floor.

Cousin Primo 26:43

Edgar OtraVez 26:45
yeah, literally. Yeah. Yeah. And so then all

Cousin Primo 26:50
that leads to the last episode well, that little that the final showdown like I’m praying that this more but the fight rallies up to this Obi Wan and Darth Vader. Slug slugfest to the last. This is this is just this is this is like a UFC fight. Yeah, Vader vs. Overwatch.

Edgar OtraVez 27:17
Yes. Main Event.

Cousin Primo 27:20
It all led all main event. Exactly. Main Event leading to that. Oh my God, dude. I swear to god,

Edgar OtraVez 27:27
dude, I want to put a bet down. I was gonna go to DraftKings or something and put a bet down on Darth Vader.

Cousin Primo 27:37
Wow, do but hey. But hey, man, like that fight scene alone. You see how they both pushed each other to the limit? will mostly work in Darth Vader at the end, man and I thought Obi Wan didn’t have it in my hand. He says, oh, yeah, especially when he whenever I was shocked. I’m like, No, he did it. He could Darth Vader’s mask. Literally. UFC Anakin for the first time, the results of what happened to being in that suit. Crazy

Edgar OtraVez 28:28
for two for age. And what he said to him. He was like, you know, towards the end, he was like you didn’t kill me. Can I killed him? You didn’t? Yeah, I’m not. I’m not a failure. You know, this is like you didn’t kill ski Anakin Skywalker. I killed him.

Cousin Primo 28:48
Right? He says you’re not afraid. He told he said that to failure. You did not fail me. He goes I kill that. And I was like, wow, that’s deep. Yeah, I was waiting for him to throw that damn sword at him though.

Edgar OtraVez 29:04
All I could think about is is like dude, you go out on the ropes man. Kill this motherfucker. Yeah. Yeah, and

Cousin Primo 29:12
that was that will fuck up the timeline that all those don’t exist.

Edgar OtraVez 29:18
Dude, you know what they need to do is introduce time terrible in this mo fucker.

Cousin Primo 29:23
Oh, no, don’t say that. Don’t say you’re gonna ruin everything.

Edgar OtraVez 29:28
Do everybody’s doing time.

Cousin Primo 29:30
Yeah, everybody. Everybody’s Drac Yeah, Marvel DC. Jesus just leave Star Wars. Yeah, keep no no. Timeline. Oh,

Edgar OtraVez 29:43
well, I mean, the only reason I say you know, let’s let’s introduce some time travel is so that we can keep seeing more. Obi Wan vs. Darth Vader. You know,

Cousin Primo 29:55
well, they’re, like you said they do a season two. Like they will They do seem to I mean, they didn’t punish you said, Do there be fights. They can be fights first of all, Obi Wan in the movie. He’s he has a lamp and the first Star Wars movie he walks with a limp. Yeah. So how do you get that limp? Now another thing to like, Well, we already saw how uncle the uncle, oh, and

Edgar OtraVez 30:38
oh, ongoing. Everything that was popping in my head was all wrong, dude. It was like Uncle Roger Uncle Buck

Cousin Primo 30:50
was Uncle but yeah, he’s the horse this way. Well, uncle and he always walked through the limp as well, in the first movie. So we saw how he got hurt in this episode in the last episode, and at the end of that episode, he’s walking with a limp as well. Now whether or not that limb blast, you know, throughout his entire life is not a question, you know? But I said, Hey, that’s how he got his limp. Fighting or fighting her.

Edgar OtraVez 31:27
Now if you see, this makes me want to go watch this. See, this is this is the fun part about this shit. All right, yeah. I’ve watched all these movies. Right? All this shit makes me want to go back and watch all these movies again. From the beginning. Now, I should see this one. I don’t want to I just want I don’t know. Because it’s like my kids. I’ve tried to sit down and watch Star Wars with my kids. And they will not do it. They will not do it. They like my son. He just he’s like, this is boring. And I’m like, What are you saying is one of the best stories of fucking I’m Neil fucking cinema, you know? But he can’t sit through it. You know? But maybe now he will. Because I mean, there’s Grove who there’s Obi Wan, you know?

Cousin Primo 32:18
That he watched this this series with you? He watched a little bit of Obi Wan.

Edgar OtraVez 32:21
He likes the Mandalorian a lot more. Oh, yeah. So he’ll watch the Mandalorian with me. But Obi Wan he just couldn’t. My daughter did though. My daughter watched some of Obi Wan with me. But it was because it was taken in space. You know, who are sitting there? And I’m like, oh shit. They kidnapped the little girl. Oh, shit. This fucking badass is gonna go find her. This is fucking taken. I was like, oh shit. You know, like, that is so badass. And taking such a simple story. You know, the king of just get this. This guy’s little girl.

Cousin Primo 33:03
You talked about taking? Okay. I barely watched this movie, like two weeks ago. Taken for? Take it for the first time. I’ve watched it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it’s got to be. Yes. Where I watched it. Yeah. One and two are on TV. Yeah. So there’s a three. There’s three of them. Right? Yeah. But I’ve never watched any of them. And I was like, You know what? I’m gonna watch it. I watched it like exactly two weeks ago. I was like, I want to watch this. I’ve always wanted to watch it and never watched it. Watch it. I was like, Okay, I was like, versus illegal shadows. And now he’s this Yeah.

Edgar OtraVez 33:42
Well, I mean, he’s got his ninja skills. You got to put in the US. Dude. Okay, so here’s, here’s just riffing on the whole taking idea. So taking there’s three movies on taken, there’s taking one, two and three. And there’s also a movie that I really liked. That’s very similar to take in. It’s called The Man From Nowhere. Oh, yes. If you have not seen that movie, that movie is fucking badass. And it is. It is like, two levels darker than fucking taken to because or just taken in general because like it, it’s still about, like trafficking, but for different reasons where it’s like, you know whether, you know we’re in taking the original is sex trafficking. In The Man From Nowhere, it’s their trafficking. Little kids and girls and stuff. For oriens. Right? It is fucking dark too. It is a dark story. It has all kinds of twists and turns. And it’s, I mean, not to ruin too much. It has sort of a happy ending. It is. If you have not seen taken or The Man From Nowhere, I highly recommend you guys go watch those movies because they are badass. You know, the the intensity is not as high for Obi Wan. If you want to if you want to be anxious for an hour and a half, two hours go once taken only one doesn’t necessarily cross cause the same amount and anxiety that these other two movies did create but but yeah, you are.

Cousin Primo 35:37
You didn’t tell you it says you were talking about taking I was like I just remembered that. The last ramble will he’s like taken. Oh really? Yeah, you haven’t washed it? No. Which

Edgar OtraVez 35:48
one’s the last? Rambo last blood? Last blood?

Cousin Primo 35:53
I don’t know if you watched it. I haven’t seen much out there. Well, it’s like rambles retired. Yeah, like he has a ranch. He has a nice Oh, nice. I did not know. I know for good. Rambo was Mexican. Okay.

Edgar OtraVez 36:12
Wait a minute Rambo is Mexican.

Cousin Primo 36:15
Oh, okay. I think he’s I think his sister married a Mexican. Okay, okay. And the mother the mother of the that will eat or live with Rambo on a ranch with the nice. Okay, that’s Yeah, exactly. That’s exactly the case I made in the theater.

Edgar OtraVez 36:40
So Rambo so Rambo is either married into a Mexican family or Yeah, is married

Cousin Primo 36:46
into a Mexican family. He’s married to a Mexican family. So Lolita and and the nice they would him and he takes care of him on a ranch. And he like raises horses. Like shows them how to like show horses. But he what you don’t know about this is that he has an underground bunker all over the ranch,

Edgar OtraVez 37:11
of course. was a hidden underground bunker.

Cousin Primo 37:16
Where he makes knives.

Edgar OtraVez 37:19
Who doesn’t mean nice.

Cousin Primo 37:22
The story of that movie is that is this The niece wants to meet wants to go see her dad her dad’s in Mexico. So she gets to Mexico her friend who so so called friend fucking traffic’s her prostitution

Edgar OtraVez 37:43
so then Rambo goes and Ravel goes after

Cousin Primo 37:46
the cartel. Nice. That’s pretty much what it is Rambo versus the cartel down. Yeah, and he was like, the firt like the first time he goes, they fucked a buck out of him. Yeah, they beat their shit. I ran with a lefty there to die. But that movie was like I do like taking it took the girl and I asked to go get her back. Yeah, you know? That’s awesome. Do watch it. You need to watch it you watch dudes fuckin

Edgar OtraVez 38:15
what a simple premise Right? Like, like, you know, badass. Someone kidnaps the Neal little girl that belongs to the badass in some way. You know, whether it’s he’s the dot whether she’s the daughter or the niece or the whatever. Doesn’t matter. Badass is gonna go and save the day Judo chop a bunch of bad guys on the way and get the girl back. Right? Right. Maybe there might be some dead bodies in the week. But you know, bad guys. Yeah, that’s that’s what happens. The bad guys. Yeah, but

Cousin Primo 38:53
good. I was gonna say what’s the name of that hard director? Guy? We had that yet on the show. Oh, you’re talking about Rick. Rick gamble. Okay, Rick gamble. This is for Rick. Okay, I want to say it out there. Commandos like taking command. Think about it. I don’t

Edgar OtraVez 39:10
remember command. Ah, oh, they kidnapped the daughter.

I would agree that the daughter needs to go rescue her but that’s not his daughter is it? Oh,

Cousin Primo 39:19
that’s real daughter.

Edgar OtraVez 39:20
Oh, this is daughter. Yeah.

Yeah, I don’t remember anymore. I haven’t seen commando a long time. I like commando predator all those washing agar movies where he’s carrying around a gun. You know Last Action Hero. I have never been neater. Last Action Heroes is is meta. It’s fun. You know? It’s it’s it’s

Cousin Primo 39:46
a was bonkers. That’s why I don’t want to watch it.

Edgar OtraVez 39:49
It was Deadpool before that bowl. And yeah, because like, you know, it’s it’s very self aware. You know? So they do a lot of this stuff. It’s like oh, and then action movie. This was what happened. One of my favorite saw

Cousin Primo 40:03
what I saw one scene and I know I don’t want to watch this movie, I saw one scene where he’s like, he goes, I’ll be back. I know. I know. I never said that before. He’s like you’ve seen the movie.

Edgar OtraVez 40:16
Yeah, she’s your catchphrase.

Cousin Primo 40:18
Yeah, there’s catchphrases. Like, I’m like, really?

Edgar OtraVez 40:23
Well, I love that movie. I thought that movie was fine. I will at least back when I saw it. Nowadays, it doesn’t hold up as well. But one scene in the movie that kind of really shocks me is the in the movie, what happens is, they know they’re in a movie. And at one point, the people in the movie, the characters in the movie, leave the movie, and come into the real world, and start wandering around in the real world. And so one of the villains in the movie decides to just show up and start killing people. So he killed somebody, and he shoot somebody in the alley someplace. And he’s sitting there, and he’s like, waiting for the cops to show up. And he’s like, where’s the police? And nobody shows up. He starts e shoots the gun a few more times. And he’s like, I just killed somebody here in the alley. Yeah, where are the cops? You know, and and they’re like, shut the fuck up. Nobody cares. And he just sits there. And then he comes to the realizations like, Oh, God, I can do whatever I want here. Nobody cares. And so he starts going around just being an even more atrocious villain. And so like, there are some things that it does, where it’s like, oh, yeah, you can do that in a movie, but you can’t do that in real life. And vice versa. Like there’s things that happen in real life that won’t happen in movies. And it was just it was interesting. It made some interesting points, but for the most part, it was you know, it was it was an okay movie, but like all those all those Schwarzenegger movies where he’s running around with guns and stuff, they all become one giant memory. You know,

like predator you made them all into one movie they’re

all one giant movie me like command Commando.

Cousin Primo 42:23
Like, remember when or I don’t know fortunately your head twist and it was a predator and went after that and then his brother’s a midget.

Edgar OtraVez 42:32
And then he was running around in a bathing suit carrying a sword and Colin Colin

Cousin Primo 42:37
married Red Sonia hadden Davies

Edgar OtraVez 42:42
Yeah, exactly. Then he got pregnant and he got pregnant. Yeah. And then and then he you know he marries a you know?

I forget her name already. Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter anyway. But yeah, like, like Last Action Hero predator commando Conan the Barbarian Terminator. All those Arnold Schwarzenegger 80s movies Last Action Hero what’s the one where he’s he’s a secret agent and they’ll be in his wife Charlize True Lies all those movies one giant movie me Kindergarten Cop.

Cousin Primo 43:29
Good Cop rah

Edgar OtraVez 43:32
rah rah do is awesome

I love it. Yeah.

Jim Belushi right yes. Yes. Rob deal yeah, there’s a scene where they’re in the car and dude steps on the gas and the coffee falls on his on his pants. And he’s like, Oh shit. Oh, she just honey roasted my nuts

you of course you know sourcing I can give a shit. You know? Driving for me

Cousin Primo 44:07
that stands off as like you said, like a sauna and Russia. And he says fighting guys in there, man. Like crazy. Like you’re fighting dudes in the shootout? Anyone? Nobody in the room with me when I’m half naked.

Edgar OtraVez 44:23
Yeah, if you don’t want anybody in the room with you when you’re half naked don’t have kids. Right? Yeah, because they will they don’t give a fuck whether you what you’re doing, man. They just walk in. You’re like, Dude, you know, you see me naked more than my wife does. You know like, that’s messed up. Yeah. Yeah,

Cousin Primo 44:42
yeah. What’s wrong with you?

Edgar OtraVez 44:44
Yeah, Jesus Christ. Can you smell what it smells like? Yeah, yeah. But anyway, um, so, but we digress. So. Yeah, man. So it’s just there is Ah, there’s a little bit of overlap in terms of theme with like taken just because, you know, there’s a kidnapping of a little girl or of, of a girl, but like it, it’s, it’s cool, man. I love that man. I thought it was great. I can’t wait for more. Hopefully they do another one.

Cousin Primo 45:22
Because, you know, what I did notice is that he focused more on layup than they will look, I think because the story has been told already at one point throughout the series, you know, it’s all about Luke. So I started did a really did like that. You know, I mean, I did like the little spin off in the end where they were like, they actually went after the boy. Luke, when the the cast of this, there’s people on this show that didn’t even know we’re on it. Like who? Like, oh, I didn’t know that. Zach Bruff was in this thing.

Edgar OtraVez 45:59
Who’s Zack breath?

Cousin Primo 46:01
That prop is the guy from scrubs.

Edgar OtraVez 46:05
Oh, shit. Are you serious?

Cousin Primo 46:07
Yeah. He’s done the list he’s credited for as freak.

Edgar OtraVez 46:13
Oh, Rick. Yeah. Zach Bruff. I’m looking for him right now.

Cousin Primo 46:21
Yeah. I don’t see him on here. No, I took I took the name right off the list.

Edgar OtraVez 46:30
Zach Bruff is freq. Right. Who’s Who? The focus, right.

Cousin Primo 46:39
You know, and I’m like, wow, is like I didn’t even know he was in there. I was like, Jesus. I mean, there’s a lot of other people that you didn’t notice that were in there like Raya.

Edgar OtraVez 46:50
Oh, do so. freq. Freck is the guy. So you know, when Obi Wan and Leia land on that planet? And they’re like, in the middle of nowhere, waiting for their contact. You’re killing me. He’s

Cousin Primo 47:06
a guy in a makeup.

Edgar OtraVez 47:07
He’s the guy. He’s like the mole looking monster guy who gives them up? Yeah. Fuck ease. Yeah.

That guy, Zach. Brah. Whatever they

Cousin Primo 47:25
need. Whatever. Oh, yeah. Good job.

Edgar OtraVez 47:36
That’s the power of Google. All right. Yeah. Yeah, so then, that was ag bra. The guy who gave them up. He was like, in the truck. And he’s like, yeah, these guys. I don’t know who they are. Yeah.

Cousin Primo 47:49
What’s the name of the character that Oh, Shane Jackson plate. Jr.

Edgar OtraVez 47:55
Dame Shane. Oh, Shane Jackson, Jr. Yeah. Well, this is Sonia Jackson.

Cousin Primo 48:04
Now. He is the the mechanic who was the head of Michigan. Oh, rockin

Edgar OtraVez 48:15
flow. Oh,

Cousin Primo 48:17
is that his name? Broken? Yeah.

Edgar OtraVez 48:20
The guy who’s in charge of the ship who’s in charge of like, trying to get the refugees off the planet? Right. I believe that guy is supposed to be ice cubes. Son. Really? Well, yeah. Yeah, he is. That’s exactly who he is. He’s the son of ice cube.

Cousin Primo 48:39
I know you look familiar. He also the other character that threw me off was free. And I recognized him right away. He was one of the kidnappers.

Edgar OtraVez 48:49
Yeah, I don’t know who he is.

Cousin Primo 48:51
He’s one of the one of the guitarists from Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Edgar OtraVez 48:55
Ah. Okay. Cool.

Cousin Primo 49:01
Yeah, that was like, Damn, you made it to the Sci Fi in okay. Yeah, straight up. He was the guy I also remember him in southern LA. With Pauly Shore.

Edgar OtraVez 49:15
Son in law, dude. That’s a dope movie, man. I love that movie. I love that fucking movie.

Cousin Primo 49:22
This is how much I love it. I have it. DVD as well as the original tape.

Edgar OtraVez 49:28
Do. We should do a son-in-law?

I would love to do a southern law.

I’m already sure dude. Like, like there’s some. He did some shitty movies. All right. Yeah. biodome was one biodome was not very good.

Cousin Primo 49:45
But I did like Encino Man I liked

Edgar OtraVez 49:48
I thought Encino Man was okay. I really like son in law. I thought son in law was the best. That’s probably the best of his movies. Son in law. What other movie there’s a he did a couple of movies that I love. liked.

Cousin Primo 50:01
There was one where he was in a movie where he was in the I think in the army now. I think I’m not sure.

Edgar OtraVez 50:10
I think I think you’re right. Pauly Shore. Oh, my goodness, and it brings up biodome is one of his things and see no man, Pauly Shore, his dead son in law guesthouse he’s been doing a lot of work. He’s done. He does a lot of voice stuff.

Cousin Primo 50:35
Yeah, he does. He was the kid from mom. What’s the name of that? Goofy Movie?

Edgar OtraVez 50:44
Oh, are you serious? Oh, yeah, that’s crazy. He’s one of the goofy ti kids friends. grew with it. Oh, what else? Man? Stoner Ville. He’s in a movie called stoner Ville. He’s in a movie called on I don’t know. I’ve never seen some of these. Some of these are just

Cousin Primo 51:07
I mean, our movie is called in the army now.

Edgar OtraVez 51:10
I’m looking for right. And that’s what I’m looking for right now. Damn, this guy has done a lot of fucking work. Oh, yeah. Nash Bridges Limp Biscuit. King of the Hill. He’s king of the hill. Yeah. He’s in Casper the movie. The Curse of Inferno? I don’t know what that is. Jury Duty. I remember that one. But he’s on a jury. And basically, I guess he he does, if I remember correctly, doesn’t have a job. And so he was happy to be on the jury. And he wanted to stretch the jury duty for as long as possible so you can keep getting paid. Oh, okay. So he like does stupid shit. Like he I guess they have him in a hotel and he’s not supposed to have any contact with the outside world. And he manages to like get out of the hotel and feel they know what they’re talking about in the in the in the courts and stuff in the army now. You’re right.

Cousin Primo 52:22
Yes. There’s also another one called? He did for Nokia. He was voice of Pinocchio. Oh, now one of them will be ranked so known for IP adopted. He was also in the focus which project panel is more mall for keeps me I don’t recognize

Edgar OtraVez 52:51
us in class act.

Cousin Primo 52:54
Class tech. No, he sure wasn’t class.

Edgar OtraVez 52:58
Yeah, kidding. Play.

Cousin Primo 53:00
I remember that. Yeah,

Edgar OtraVez 53:02
I don’t remember this movie. I know. I’ve seen it. I don’t remember it.

Cousin Primo 53:06
I love that movie. I love it. I watched that one I also watched was the other one. House Parkland three.

Edgar OtraVez 53:18
Oh, my goodness house party. But he wasn’t a house party. Was he? No, he’s

Cousin Primo 53:23
not. No, he wasn’t. No, no, but I remember kitten Play. Play. Do so like both.

Edgar OtraVez 53:32
Yeah, so like, I want to say the movies. I remember him for Encino Man, son in law in the army now like you said, Jury Duty BioDome. Everything else? I do not remember. I remember any little thing. He’s got a lot of shit that he’s done. Pauly Shore stead is funny. Because they actually like, question whether he’s alive or not. And I think it’s like a, like a documentary. If I remember correctly, I think it’s a documentary. And he goes around asking people like, you know what happened to Pauly Shore? And he’s like, he is Pauly Shore. You know? And nobody everybody like thinks he’s dead. I think. I don’t know. I don’t remember how the story goes, but I think that’d be hilarious. If he is Pauly Shore. He’s going around asking people Oh, did you know shot polishers that

Cousin Primo 54:30
just look like ma’am. Yes, yes, we will. We will.

Edgar OtraVez 54:42
Yeah, we always want her out the subject.

Cousin Primo 54:47
But anyway, yeah, like I said, I’m really close with this some very impressive cast from this series. You know, like, damn, I didn’t know this person was in it. further than that, man, it’s like the series is like, actually, this series actually makes one do like you say go back and watch them all over again. But it’s just so much watch now and not including the TV stuff. You know the stuff that came on TV in the movies alone is nine. Yeah, Nikolay hogwash. Hello. Nice to meet ya.

Edgar OtraVez 55:26
Row one is probably like someone highly recommended that I go watch Rogue One. I haven’t seen it. I tried. Yeah, no, I tried I tried to just like I told the other guy I tried, I tried. And when I tried to sit down and watch it, the kids were just like, on my, on my ass. And they were little at the time. So it was like hard to get them to like sit in let me watch a movie. So like I said, Okay, I’m just gonna pause this and come back to it. And then every time I tried to like, start over and watch it again, from the beginning to the end, they wouldn’t let it happen. And I just kind of ruined it for myself.

Cousin Primo 56:05
The one main reason why watch it was cut. That one guy was in it, the guy who played it Matt was in World War II. And yeah, I don’t even as a blind. I don’t want to say

Edgar OtraVez 56:23
no, he’s like a blind force sensitive warrior.

Cousin Primo 56:29
Right? Right. Like, the forest is all around you all around me. And he’s like, killing that he kills it. So just by observing like, like, dude, if you didn’t have the floor you have now yeah, that was the only reason why I wanted to watch it. That was because I am. Yeah, sorry. Sorry. It was great.

Edgar OtraVez 56:51
Well, yeah, the nice

Cousin Primo 56:52
filler to to the movie series.

Edgar OtraVez 56:56
Yeah. It’s it’s supposed to be a great story. It’s supposed to be pretty good.

Cousin Primo 57:03
It is pretty good. I like man.

Edgar OtraVez 57:06
So So I think what’s next in terms of like, the Star Wars movies, or the Star Wars stories? So there’s talk about like a pre prequel to the Star Wars series. I forgot what was the name of the of the story, but

Cousin Primo 57:25
it’s called I just had it on here do

Edgar OtraVez 57:29
the shirt or something. I’m jet I

Cousin Primo 57:35
actually is called

Edgar OtraVez 57:39
the Knights of

Cousin Primo 57:41
acolytes. The Act bytes? That’s, that’s a prequel prequel to. So one.

Edgar OtraVez 57:51
Knights of the Old Knights of the Old Republic, I think is what they want to do,

Cousin Primo 58:00
would be actually all public on this list. It’s actually I have this thing called the Acolytes. That that meeting before? Episode One.

Edgar OtraVez 58:17
Yeah, it’s supposed to be a story that that has. Like how the Jedi Council began. And so so they go like way back, they go to the beginning of the lore of what a Jedi is. And they’re going to tell I guess another another set of, of trilogies. In that in that world and that time, so, and we’re talking, I think, I think we’re talking about like, 100 200 years before. Wow, the events of Star Wars. The first star Oh, yeah. Well, before Episode One. So I forget, I forget what the timeline is. And I am not a Star Wars. Like movie buff, or a Star Wars buff? That is really like stuff that’s beyond what I know. But honestly, like, I think it’s supposed to be really far before all the events that happened with Star Wars and Luke and all that. I wasn’t a fan of how Star Wars and did in general. And there has been talk of possibly, and this is why I say time travel. There are there are talks of them redoing the last trilogy, because it was a little bit of a mess in terms of direction story and the way things turned out. So they might redo the end of the trilogy because one of the things that happens with with this Star Wars story, because one of the things they want to do with it is they want to call it the sky war. ocher series. But it’s not the Skywalker series. Because in the end, Ray isn’t a Skywalker. She’s a Palpatine

right now. So it’s really

Cousin Primo 1:00:17
a walker at the end.

Edgar OtraVez 1:00:18
Yeah. So it’s really the Palpatine series because Palpatine is one of the constants throughout all the trilogies. Luke isn’t really, you know, neither is Obi Wan. Nobody else is really a constant throughout the series that you can call it Skywalker, for example, or anything else. You can really it’s the Palpatine series. And I think that is the fault of the final trilogy, they could have done something else and made it some other and finished it as a scholar or series. But instead, they introduced this Palpatine character. And then they change your name at the end. It’s got problems, that trilogy at the end, it’s too bad because, you know, the whole site is Skywalker, the whole Star Wars series has problems. I mean, I guess at one point, you know, Luke and Leia, you know, the kids and their brothers sister. That’s a little

Cousin Primo 1:01:21
in their defense. They didn’t know. Yeah,

Edgar OtraVez 1:01:24
that’s problematic.

Cousin Primo 1:01:26
Yeah, the one person who knew got killed in the first episode three. Yeah. And that just for fun, I snitching.

Edgar OtraVez 1:01:36
It’s a problem. There’s, there’s, there’s problems

throughout the entire series. Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Jar Jar Binks Jar Jar Binks is a big problem.

Cousin Primo 1:01:50
Yeah, that that species of aliens exist. Okay. But like, the last movie was Jesus, it was like, all over. I guess started with Palpatine still alive for that? Do you know how he came back? No, not?

Edgar OtraVez 1:02:16
Well, I mean, it was implied. I don’t know where it was implied that he came back through, you know, you know, engineering you know, bio engineering. So he’s he’s like a clone of himself or something. You know, and that was what that other guy I forgot his name already. But that’s what he was. He was that ugly monster thing that was bossing everybody around. I forgot his name already. The disfigured

Cousin Primo 1:02:47
Oh, yeah. The head. I’m talking about Yeah, he Yeah. Yeah, he was engineered. Yeah, it wasn’t.

Edgar OtraVez 1:02:56
Yeah, but that was an attempt at trying to make a new body for Palpatine Oh, that was Yeah. So he was he was an attempt at making a new a new Palpatine and he survived so then they let him like go around and BNS all the people. Snug Yes, it’s no joke. snooker snug or snow or snow smoke. Okey, okey snarky. Sure. Supreme Leader Snoke I didn’t know Andy Serkis. played him. But anyway. So Snoke is like, like several generations of of of cloning. For what’s his name? That’s why he has forest powers. But that’s why he’s also like evil and all that shit. But anyway, like they just that I think one of the biggest problems with Star Wars The last trilogy. Is that in the end Kylo Ren kisses Ray.

Cousin Primo 1:04:13
Let go. So you can’t let it go. Okay.

Edgar OtraVez 1:04:20
I fucking hate it. I’m like, this guy. This guy has been harassing this poor girl. For three movies. You’re going to tell me in the end? He gets to kiss this girl. Fuck no. What are you doing? What are you teaching little girls? That your fucking psychopathic fucking stalker? deserves to be kissed? No. Now now, what the fuck? Drives me nuts man. I know it does. Because I took my daughter to see this movie. This daughter was what my daughter was watching this movie with me. And I can I remember leaning over to her and say like, no. That’s not how this works, baby. You know, you don’t let the fucking guy who’s been trying to fucking kill you this whole time kiss you know? Fuck that no man you take a lightsaber. Yeah,

Cousin Primo 1:05:11
you got to do

Edgar OtraVez 1:05:14
yeah not fight that do Okay, so he helped out all right that’s fine doesn’t make up for the fact that he’s an asshole. And yeah, no no just because he saw the light doesn’t NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YOU that

Cousin Primo 1:05:30
killed his own father too bad

Edgar OtraVez 1:05:33
yeah he killed his own dad fuck you know in that last movie

Cousin Primo 1:05:40
right the first part of the shows yeah the first part of the

Edgar OtraVez 1:05:43
trilogy no no in the last trilogy when he was falling on the floor

Cousin Primo 1:05:51
yeah yes he did shit and the first movie of

Edgar OtraVez 1:05:58
the new home The Force Awakens is the force awaken the last Jedi and then it’s Skywalker something right rise the rise of Skywalker yeah so shit I’m looking for Star Wars rise yeah Raisa Skywalker this season here I’m looking at the at the least

Cousin Primo 1:06:37
as an image as a as a ghost Hairston for plays go

Edgar OtraVez 1:06:45
I’m looking for Harrison forest movies

Cousin Primo 1:06:47
when he killed them

Edgar OtraVez 1:06:51
fucking JJ Abrams put himself in the movie

Cousin Primo 1:06:56
wasn’t he walk?

Edgar OtraVez 1:06:57
He was a deal. Whatever that is. I don’t see you know, I don’t see Harrison Ford on the on the on the cast

Cousin Primo 1:07:06
is the first one. He’s in the one he got killed.

Edgar OtraVez 1:07:11
I guess you’re right. I guess he’s not in the last one. Because when he was in the last one.

Cousin Primo 1:07:16
He was as a ghost was like an image of his imagination when he was like, You know what? anymore? So he threw away the sword. And he was you know what to do when he played a sword.

Edgar OtraVez 1:07:28
Okay, so maybe that’s what I remember. Doesn’t matter. Guys an asshole. I’ve been an Ansel for three movies. You don’t kiss that fucking guy at the end? No. That guy goes in. He can go ahead and die if he wants. That’s fine. But he doesn’t get no he doesn’t get to have a romantic relationship with the fucking prey. He’s been going after all. Now. No, it’s fucking fucked that up the fact that what are you doing? Like who? Who who approved this script? Like where is the person that says, hey, no, what are you trying to say? No, this is stupid. You know, this is not a good. This is not as this is not a good thing. This is not good. Look, is this that? What are you teaching people? No. You gotta be careful what you put in movies. You know? I mean, there are movies that our complete crap, right? And you know that they’re crap from the beginning. From the very beginning you start watching it. I mean, let’s listen. Let’s you know, Fireball for example. You know? I’m not expecting fireball to win any Oscars? You know, I’m saying nor am I expecting any kind of moral judgemental story, plotline lesson thing coming out of that movie. Now, I hold movies like Star Wars that are a little bit more, or take a little more serious, and are a little bit more of a public eye a little I hold them to a higher standard. Plus, they have, like teams of screenwriters looking at these fucking scripts, you know, person after person goes over these scripts. You’re going to tell me someone didn’t say Hey, this is a bad idea. Can we not do this? He should not get the kiss this girl. You know, we’re like who know? Because I think I think it’s one of those remnants from like, the old days in Hollywood. You know, the hero always gets the girl, right? The hero always gets the girl all the time every single time. You know, and they turn this fucking puts your Kylo Ren into a hero at the last minute and now therefore, according to the rules of heroism, he gets to kiss the girl the fuck? First of all, there’s a stupid rule number one because life doesn’t work like that. You don’t always get the kiss the girl no matter how how heroic you are, and to like, like what He was the villain for three movies, you know, for three for for two movies and three quarters. He was the villain.

Cousin Primo 1:10:10
He was a hero for the last 30 minutes of the movie. He was like the hero for like

Edgar OtraVez 1:10:13
the last 15 minutes of that fucking movie, man. Yeah. And then he was dead, like, died. Then he died.

Well died.

Yeah. Did he deserve? I don’t know, man. This just sorry, man, but every time that movie comes up, yeah, just I just that’s the one part I wish they could fucking rewrite. Yeah. You know, like, every now and then they forget, they do shit. Like in Disney Plus, they update some of like the background stuff. Right? Like, they’ve been updating. Like, for example, one of the visions like last seen in the last episode, you know how they go into the ocean or into that back cabin. They’ve been re rendering that they they they’ve done a few takes on that. And so they’ve republished that out. So it’s looked differently. Since the first time it released, still more recent. Right, because of the release. Well, they’ve redone the graphics on it. So like, let’s say you watched it, the first week he came out, right? That last scene is a different scene now. Really? Yeah. They redid the the animation, and all the other other graphics in that last movie, in that last scene. And they can do that they can do that. Because I mean, it’s all streaming. So they can republish the video for everything. So they have I know they have because for example, they did that with with the matrix. Because in the matrix in the matrix, there’s a scene. Neil is sitting in the chair. They just pumped him full of like information. The first matrix, he’s just you know, and he’s just gotten out of the matrix. He’s in the real world, and they’re just filling his head with all kinds of information, right? So they came, he can be a warrior. And he’s sitting there, and then Morpheus leans over, and he’s like, so how are you doing? And he’s like, I know kung fu. That’s what he says. But if you look down the fucking movie now, in streaming, he says, I know jujitsu.

Cousin Primo 1:12:36
He sure does.

Edgar OtraVez 1:12:38
Yeah. And I’m like, What the fuck is this? No. Originally, he said, I know kung fu.

Cousin Primo 1:12:45
Kung Fu. Right.

Edgar OtraVez 1:12:49
And they changed it. They changed it to I know jujitsu. And they can do that whenever they want. No. They can change anything. To be anything whenever they want, especially now with CG. They can completely redo fucking shit. And we will never know. Things. Things. Unless you’re like a super nerd like me. That knows Oh, in this in this scene, they said jujitsu or they say kung fu versus jujitsu. Nobody else will know nobody else. You know, I’m sure there’s plenty of people like me, who are like, who nerd out on certain movies, and will know these things when they come up. But I mean, I was like, What the fuck? Makes me want to go see if I have an original copy of the DVD on DVD someplace. I’m willing to bet I do. Not because I mean, I bought a Blu ray version of it. Yeah, but that was way later. I’m gonna see if I have a DVD copy of it someplace. Because I’m wondering if that I know kung fu is still in there. Huh? Yeah, white. That would be awesome.

Cousin Primo 1:14:05
I didn’t copy somewhere on here. Dude, if

Edgar OtraVez 1:14:08
you have a copy, bro. Let me let me let me use it, bro. If you have a copy of the original matrix, and it says I know kung fu. Let me let me see it too. Because I will rip it and make an Instagram thing out of it.

Cousin Primo 1:14:22
Okay, I’ll find it. I think I do have one. Do I tell you ever movies all over the place? I just don’t. I guess stream none. I can stream everything now. Yeah. Do not get rid of my tapes.

Edgar OtraVez 1:14:36
Dude, if you have an original copy of the matrix where he says I know kung fu that’ll be fucking dope. And you know what? I bet I bet I’m willing to bet that’s money.

Cousin Primo 1:14:49
Right think I have a RIP version. But either way, I’ll see what I got.

Edgar OtraVez 1:14:54
I’ll take I’ll take I’ll take whatever you got just for the sake of social nail shit. But, but dude, that would be damn I wonder if I have it someplace. I’d be surprised if I don’t because I mean I got I got all kinds of shit. I got the last dragon bro.

Cousin Primo 1:15:17
The last dragon was Bruce Lee.

Edgar OtraVez 1:15:19

or no or Nick Roy with Bruce

Lee where i

Cousin Primo 1:15:25
Okay i have no idea what I have for tapes. I don’t have the complete series of nearly Evangelii

Edgar OtraVez 1:15:36
that’s a good series. You know, I’ve never seen that and I don’t remember that show anymore.

Cousin Primo 1:15:45
It’s like I watched it the other day. I don’t know what was wrong with me. But I can’t go back to watch the old stuff. I ended up watching what was it? I don’t know. I ended up watching Godzilla 1985.

Edgar OtraVez 1:16:03
Is that the American Godzilla

Cousin Primo 1:16:05
as the American one with his name. very elegant, very, very, very amazing but yeah, there’s old movies and stuff. And I like I was like, Man, I gotta watch

turtles just as we would do the show. And I was like, otherwise Ninja Turtles. I watched you I went into the library and I started watching the Last Starfighter.

Edgar OtraVez 1:16:50
Last Starfighter. Holy.

Cousin Primo 1:16:51
Yeah. Yeah, I was watching Top Gun. I wanted because we were gonna. And we will we talked about it. Next day, and I was like, man, Last Starfighter showed up. Watch this one. Wow. No. Let me watch that one. I watched it. I was like, it was pretty good for its time. You know? Like, okay, I’ll

watch it. Like, there’s some other things I need to watch. Just to. Just to get out of the way. I don’t know why. I ended up watching predator. Oh, nice. You know, aliens, too.

Edgar OtraVez 1:17:33
There’s a whole there’s a whole bunch of shit. Like the last time we talked. I plug a lot of those movies in the list of shit that we got to talk about. But um, I’m thinking like, I’m thinking, what, what’s the point of waiting? I might as well do because I you know, I like to like work up to stuff, you know? And be like, Okay, well, I’m gonna do this movie. I’m gonna do that movie. Now. I’m like, fuck it, man. What am I waiting for? You know, I’m just gonna do everything. Like every possible will be I like it’s getting kind of late. This one will be a short one. Only because I don’t have a lot of time to edit. To call it quits for tonight. Just in general. What do you think of the Star Wars series? Or Obi Wan? I’m sorry.

Cousin Primo 1:18:21
Obi Wan. I think this is the series. A good fit for the Gaten I think it was great. And everybody wants to see a fight between Obi and dark. That’s something that applies for for anybody to just watch it for this. Just to see if you watch a fight between Obi Wan when he was young and Darth Vader and his prime? Yeah. The great, great resume world.

Edgar OtraVez 1:18:49
Yeah, it’s it’s the perfect movie, or the perfect show to watch. I think it’s a great story. But it’s a great opportunity to watch these two warriors. Go at it at full force and with like, a crazy blown out force. Right. Like they’re throwing rocks at each other. It’s so good.

Cousin Primo 1:19:14
All we wanted to do for men brought them rocks to make drone videos like that. Will take. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was great. Like you said it was a great series. Yeah. I wouldn’t change anything about it.

Edgar OtraVez 1:19:38
No, dude. It’s good stuff, man. Cool. All right, man. So thanks so much for coming on, man. No problem. All right. So this is a group that is with my cousin Primo and we will catch you next time.