175: BJJ Black Belt John Lawrence / Sumo Night & Periodization

In this episode of “The Flow Roll Podcast,” Edgar OtraVez and Jiu Jitsu Black Belt, John Lawrence discuss sumo night and periodization. If you have ever seen John’s Instagram, you could see all the fun they have on sumo night. It looks like a fun time.

Find out more about Hurricane Jiu Jitsu

The Very Awesome Hurricane Teaching Staff

  • Travis Anderson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travjitsu/
  • Darla Sedlacek on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darlased/
  • Dan Sweeney on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dpsbreakdowns/
  • Chris Bonezzi

Please feel free to send your recommendations via email at theflowrollpodcast@gmail.com.

Follow Us:

Edgar OtraVez on Instagram: https://instagram.com/edgarotravez/
The Flow Roll on Instagram: https://instagram.com/theflowroll/
The Flow Roll Website: https://TheFlowRollPodcast.com/

Music: “Firepower” by STRLGHT can be found on Epidemic Sound

Affilate Links

Epidemic Sound: https://epidemicsound.theflowrollpodcast.com
Monday.com: https://mondaycom.TheFlowRollPodcast.com
Titan Fitness: https://titan-fitness.pxf.io/mg7Nj1